
Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A former winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Lee can be reached by email at:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


By Lee Degenstein

Stop, I cannot take it anymore! Too much information! Let’s move on! A little governing wouldn’t hurt! Can you guys get control of your hormones?

These are just some of the thoughts that have passed through my mind since the so called Albany sex scandal started dominating the news a few weeks ago. Last weekend the first seven pages of both the NY Daily News and NY Post were chock full of Albany Sex stories. Regular Lee Reports readers know that I hardly ever go back to a subject once I have covered it. I will make an exception in this instance, mainly because it’s just too good to pass up. When you have free material like this you use it! That’s one of the nice things about having your own Blog.

Why do we think our politicians are supposed to be different, a cut above the ordinary human being and should lead a life above and beyond reproach, especially when comes to extra marital sex? I guess it has something to do with the way we were brought up. Many of us actually took our marital vows seriously. You are not supposed to stray, we were taught.

I was curious about what percentage of married people actually have had extra marital affairs. Unfortunately, when I went to the internet to do a search I got very few statistics. However I did get a huge list of internet sites like married, discreet, cheating wives date etc. You can look up the rest yourself, do your own work! I also found a site called alibi This is a site that claims they are “A full service agency providing alibis and excused absences, as well as assistance with excused absences with a variety of sensitive issues.” Someone has thought of everything. Before you race over to site I think you have to pay for the service.

Some estimates indicate that 50 % of married women and as much as 70% of married men have had affairs. More reliable and believable data comes from the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center. About 15% of women and 22% of men surveyed in 2002 said they'd ever had an affair with someone besides their spouse. Personally, I think those numbers are low, don’t you? Perhaps the word “affair” wasn’t explained carefully enough.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were figures like this for our elected officials? We could institute a new type of scoring system. Each candidate could be ranked by how many affairs they have had and how many times they got caught. I am not so sure I would want to vote for a person that had a high “got caught” score. How smart could he be? Would you vote for a candidate that would be this careless? We actually might get a better class of politician in we instituted the “FSDS” or Full Sexual Disclosure Score system . Like the saying goes, who can trust an honest politician? Full sexual disclosure, now that’s what we need today in Government.

For a person who is legally blind, we are learning that Governor David Patterson over the years has felt his way around more than the Senate Chamber. Excuse me for a second we have a question from the Press. “Governor, are you really legally blind, or is that a cane in your pocket?” No Comment!

It turns out that Governor Patterson could give former Governor Eliot Spitzer a bang for his buck (sorry) when it comes to fooling around. More importantly, Patterson didn’t even have to pay for it! I will give him credit for admitting his extra marital activities and coming clean, (sorry again). We have also just learned that Patterson has admitted to using Marijuana and Cocaine in his seeded, sultry past. I guess unlike former President Clinton, Governor Patterson inhaled. But so what?

Our former Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, appears to have had affairs with everyone woman he was married to. Taking a page from the J. Edgar Hoover playbook, our former Mayor also likes to crossdress at dinner parties like the annual Alfred Smith press dinner. While a bit unsightly, does it lessen his ability to be a good Mayor? Under the category of, “Too Much Information,” the press has learned from informed sources,(are there uninformed sources?), that Spitzer liked to have sex with black socks on, (yes his feet). I wonder if those socks had the New York State crest on the ankles. Forget about the visual!

I wonder what NY State Senate Majority Joe Bruno does on some of his frequent trips out of town? You are probably familiar with the phrase, “politics makes strange bedfellows.” What does Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver do when he is far from home? I bet he and Joe Bruno can really party it up when they put their minds together. I think I have uncovered the reason that the New York State budget is late every year!

What if politicians asked the members of the press what they do in their spare time or when they travel? I get a kick out of these reporters and their holier than thou attitudes. I was a radio News director and anchorman for more than three years. Most of the members of the press I knew are very thankful that they are the ones that are asking the questions. Remember, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t get stoned, I mean throw stones!

When it comes right down to it, many, if not most of us have at one time or another operated a motor vehicle after having had too much to drink, many of us have smoked pot, many of us have cheated on a spouse, or in the words of former President Jimmy Carter, “lusted in our heart.” Should we expect that the human beings we elect to public office will be any different? Upon leaving office President Herbert Hoover said people get the politicians and officials they deserve. Do we deserve better? Are we any better? These are things to ponder.

Speaking of pondering, since becoming single again, perhaps I should be pondering a run for State office in my quest to find the winner of the future Mrs. Degenstein contest. It appears that Albany has become the Plato’s Retreat of the North. There apparently is more action up there than in most Second Avenue singles bars. Looks like I might get better results in our State’s capital than on or Jdate!

Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Mr. Degenstein can be reached by email at:© Copyright 2008Lee Degenstein.All rights


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