
Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A former winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Lee can be reached by email at:

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Unless you have been living in a cave or better yet on another planet, you have most likely heard of the Green Movement. Across our fruited plain, everyone and everything seem to be trying to come up with ideas to help save the planet by controlling Global Warming. While there is no question in my mind that over the years we have abused our planet’s environment sometimes I think we may go a bit far in trying to correct the past.

Case in point, earlier this week, an article in one of the world’s leading independent general medical journals claimed that limiting our intake of red meat could possible slow the rate of Global Warming. I kid you not.

The Lancet reported that eating less meat could help slow global warming by reducing the number of livestock and thereby decreasing the amount of methane flatulence from the animals. According to the Lancet, gases from animals destined for dinner plates account for nearly a quarter of all emissions worldwide.

I knew all along that we humans were not to blame for our environmental mess, it’s those damn pesky farting animals. Well I certainly feel a lot better. Thank God that The Lancet didn’t suggest that we curtail our consumption of beer or baked beans that would have been too much to handle.

Apparently another way of reducing greenhouse gases from farming practices, like feeding animals higher-quality grains, would only have a limited impact on cutting emissions. I have come up with a better idea. Why not mix a gas reducing compound like Beano into the animal’s feed. Remember to have your cow pop a Beano before every meal and there “be no gas”. That would do it.

We have all heard the expressions “tree hugger and “environmental whacko”. It seems to me that while there may be some actual science behind The Lancet’s claims, however, it is not realistic for anyone to think that we will limit our red meat intake to save the environment. This might actually send someone like Ronald Macdonald into cardiac arrest. We have a hard enough time limiting our consumption of red meat to reduce heart disease in humans.

In other global warming news, earlier this week it was reported that Congress is considering legislation that would eventually phase out incandescent light bulbs in favor of fluorescent bulbs. In an effort to shed my horrible environmental record, your reported promptly marched down to the local Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase one of the new longer lasting, environmentally friendly fluorescent bulbs.

The first thing I noticed was that these new bulbs cost quite a bit more than their incandescent counterparts. However I quickly learned that the higher price is mitigated by the fact that the bulbs are guaranteed to last up to five years. So far, so good. Having thought that I was doing the right thing for both the environment and being quite proud of myself, I raced home (on foot) and installed my new environmentally friendly purchase.

The new fluorescent bulb looks much like what I would expect a Martian IUD to look like. Now came the moment of truth. I turned on the switch and watched as the wave of light spiraled through the twisting mass of fluorescence. There was only one problem. I didn’t get much light out of my new bulb. I had replaced my incandescent bulb with a fluorescent bulb of the same wattage and the result was less than impressive. A bit disappointed, I quickly returned the incandescent bulb to its rightful place. I have decided to throw the florescent one at the first card carrying member of Greenpeace that I encounter. If I can’t find one, Al Gore’s SUV will do just fine as a target, thank you very much.

If Congress really wants to get serious about saving our environment they would enact legislation that would force car and truck manufacturers to produce vehicles that get better gas mileage and spew less damaging emissions into the atmosphere. While they were at it, they would also order the oil companies to produce alternate fuels and make them available quickly. You can’t make me believe that in this day and age we can’t vehicles to be more fuel efficient and gasoline to burn cleaner.

The bad news is that Congress can pound the table all it wants to about cleaner energy and more efficient vehicles. The sad reality is that Congress will never make those demands because the oil and gas and the big three auto makers are major contributors to political campaigns.

So I have made environmental peace with myself for the time being and have decided to never order a cheeseburger again. Eating less cheese means less, you know what.

Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Mr. Degenstein can be reached by email at:
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