
Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A former winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Lee can be reached by email at:

Thursday, October 26, 2006


By Lee Degenstein

Don’t you wish you had dollar for every person you saw with a tattoo? If you did, you’d be very rich! Estimates are that between 45 and 50 million Americans have at least one tattoo. The American Academy of Dermatology, reports that 24 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 50 are tattooed. In addition, there are currently two television shows on two different cable networks about tattoos. The word “Tattoo” according to internet search engines Google, and Yahoo has been in the top five most requested items on the internet since 2002. On a personal note, I am happy to report that my Batman tattoo washed off then I was seven.

So why has nearly 20 percent of the US population gotten a tattoo? Back in the 1930’s and 40’s most tattoos were worn by soldiers. In many cases this was the result of our GI’s “over serving” themselves while on shore leave. That has all changed in 2006 but why? Experts believe tattooing allows people to broadcast to the world what they are all about. Others call it sign of rebellion or a rite of passage. Many think it makes them look and feel sexier. Batman never did that for me!

Tattoos are big business. In 2006 one new tattoo parlor opens every day in this country. A recent article in U.S. News and World Report said that tattooing was the sixth fastest growing retail venture of the 1990s, right behind Internet, paging services, bagels, computer and cellular phone service.

The demographics of tattooing are pretty interesting. The website writes, “what your mother may have told you about who has tattoos is true: people who drink, do drugs, have been jailed or forgo religion are more likely to be tattooed”. By the way the politically correct phrase for a tattoo is Body Art.

For the record, getting a tattoo is a violation of both Jewish and Muslim law as its considered desecration of the body. Finally these two sides agree on something, too bad its body art!

The Harris Poll (will they stop at nothing?), breaks down the tattoo world as follows. The highest incidence of tattoos was found among the gay, lesbian and bisexual population (31%) and among Americans ages 25 to 29 years old (36%) and 30 to 39 years old (28%). Regionally, people living in the West (20%) are more likely to have tattoos. Democrats are more likely to have tattoos (18%) than Republicans (14%) and Independents (12%) while nearly equal percentages of males (16%) and females (15%) have tattoos. Republicans are more likely to eventually regret getting a tattoo. Surprise, Surprise Surprise.

Among Americans with tattoos, 34% said having a tattoo has made them feel sexier. Fortunately, more tattooed females (42%) feel this way than males (25%). Additionally, those with tattoos said that having a tattoo has made them feel more rebellious (29%) while others said a tattoo makes them feel more attractive (26%). Maybe I should have gotten a Superman tattoo!

Those are pretty astounding numbers. What I never understood was why guys insist on tattooing a woman’s name on their body. A tattoo that reads “Roxanne” looks great while you are still with Roxanne, but what happens if you break up? I guess you have the choice of finding another girl named Roxanne or, have a really good explanation for the next woman in your life.

Then there are the people who for some reason insist on having Chinese or Japanese writing emblazoned onto their bodies. When you ask them what it means, they say something like “serenity”, “peace love and joy” or something similar. Wouldn’t it be great if they asked a Chinese or Japanese friend to proofread these tattoos? Can you imagine the look on their faces when they discover that their tattoo really reads “This Space For Rent” or “Eat Sushi Live Longer” or Eat at Ming’s Garden”?

I recently saw a picture of a young woman who had the Cadillac logo tattooed on the small of her back. I couldn’t help but think won’t she look silly getting in and out of a Lincoln?

Decorating skin is definitely in, and I guess it is here to stay. About 30 percent of those tattooed regret doing so. Sure many of us have thought about getting a tattoo at some point in our life. Most of us resist the temptation. What ever happened to swallowing goldfish? I always thought that made a pretty big statement

Now having said all of this, I wonder how these tattooed people are going to feel about their tattoos when they reach their 60’s and 70’s. Maturity, aging and above all gravity may change their feelings. For example, remember that little robin your girlfriend had affixed to her left breast? I’m betting that in 40 years it will look more like a buzzard. That little daisy stamped on her stomach, will most likely resemble Sherwood Forest. Did they say sexy and more confident? Don’t you think that 75 year old man at the beach with the skull and cross bones tattooed on his back is going to look and maybe feel just a tad ridiculous? Then again maybe not, if his name happens to be Rocky or Spike.

Tatts all folks!

© Copyright 2006, Lee Degenstein
All rights reserved.


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