
Lee Degenstein has covered the financial markets for print and broadcast media for more than 15 years. Mr. Degenstein was also the news director and morning anchor at two major radio stations in New Jersey. He has been a reporter/contributor to United Press International, The Associated Press, The Mutual Broadcasting System and New York 1 News. A former winner of the Associated Press award for 'best business story' he lives and works in New York City. Lee can be reached by email at:

Saturday, October 14, 2006


By Lee Degenstein

America is running out of patience! It’s been said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” but almost all of us do. So what do we get in return? A little agitated, frustrated and above all stressed out. 50 years ago people didn’t talk much about stress, not that it didn’t exist, we just didn’t know much about it. Nor did we use it as an excuse for everything. “I’m sorry dear I am a little stressed out today, permit me to remove my fist from your mouth!”

A lack of patience leads to frustration which off course leads to higher levels of stress. In many cases you can’t really do anything about what is frustrating you in the first place, and that’s stressful. Take the following situations for example, have they ever happened to you?

You go into your local convenience store to pick up a small bottle of water for a buck. You get in the checkout line, only to notice there is a man ahead of you holding a small piece of paper. The man is calling out every possible combination of numbers known to mankind for his weekly lottery tickets. You’re in a hurry and three things occur to you. A) You just want to give the man $20 so you can get out of there. B) You want to politely inform this guy that his chances of being struck by lightening while bowling are better than winning the Power Ball Lottery! C) You give him your best “prison stare” , throw your dollar on the counter and storm out of the store. You are losing your patience!
You are late for an appointment but realize you have no cash. You go to your local ATM machine. The person in front of you is taking more time than suits you. As you get more frustrated three things come to mind. A) This person can’t read, B) It’s the first time the person has ever used an ATM machine, or C) the person is trying to take out a second mortgage on their house by using the ATM! You are losing your patience!
You are in the “10 items or less” express checkout line at the supermarket. Your three year old wants every piece of candy in the rack and is now making a scene. All you want to do is get him in the car and shut him up. You notice the lady in front of you has somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 (because you’ve counted them) items, a mere 8 more than is allowed under international supermarket law. You politely mention this fact to her and she asks you if you are with the food police. The lady’s order is totaled up and she is now rummaging through her tattered change purse for the 98 cents in exact change that she has to find. You are not impressed by her nickel and penny collection she just dropped on the floor! You are losing your patience!
You are finally on your way home from the super market but suddenly traffic is at a standstill. That tractor trailer which seems to follow everyone has jackknifed once again. You haven’t moved in ten minutes and the idiot behind you seems to be testing out his horn, like it will really make a difference. Of course the loud horn has awakened your three year old who is now crying louder than ever! You are losing patience……and your mind!
You are on vacation to relieve your stress. After a long wait, you have made it through security after being ordered to practically undress in front of the TSA agent and everyone else at the airport. Everyone is pointing as well as looking at you and whispering. You finally board the plane. The guy in front of you can’t get his bag into the over head bin because it’s basically the size of a steamer trunk. The line behind you is now backing up into the terminal and not moving. Junior (your kid not husband) informs you he has to go to the bathroom because of course he didn’t go before he left home. Naturally, the flight attendant formerly known as the stewardess, is no where to be found. Where are those Federal Air Marshals when you need them? You are losing patience!

Can you relate? I think you get the point. In many instances, stress arises over things we have no control over like traffic, other people’s driving skills or the lack thereof, weather, politics and life in general. Experts agree that the best way to deal with stress is to change the way you react to things. Of course that’s easier said than done. Who are those so called experts?

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, who are experts, signs of stress may include: difficulty communicating thoughts, difficulty sleeping, difficulty maintaining balance, easily frustrated, Increased use of drugs/alcohol, limited attention span, headaches/stomach problems, disorientation or confusion, difficulty concentrating, depression, sadness, and feelings of hopelessness, just to name a few.

· Don't worry about things you can't control.
· Prepare to the best of your ability for events you know may be stressful,
· Try to look at change as a positive challenge, not a threat.
· Work to resolve conflicts with other people.
· Ask for help from friends, family or professionals, talk to someone
· Set realistic goals at home and at work.
· Exercise on a regular basis, learn Yoga, meditate
· Eat well-balanced meals and get enough sleep.
· Get away from your daily stresses with group sports, social events and hobbies
I have to go now. My older son just bet my younger son that he could fill the bathtub closer to the top with more water. Guess what? He lost, and my downstairs neighbors are ringing my doorbell! X#%*^@%# !!!!!

copyright 2006, Lee Degenstein.
All rights reserved.


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